Project: CampusConnect

CampusConnect is a desktop application built for NUS students living on campus to help them stay organised, stay connected, and make the on-campus experience at NUS stress-free. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed

Refer to this RepoSense Link

Enhancements Implemented

  • New Feature: Implemented the Notification system for CampusConnect (Pull requests #43, #200).
    • What it does: The notification system is used for our birthday notifications system that will prompt the user when a contact's birthday is nearing
    • Details: It's written in a generic way so that future notifications and events (other than birthdays) can be added to CampusConnect without much effort in the future
  • Test Coverage: Implemented tests for the new features added during v1.2 (Pull requests #67, #68)
    • Details: Given the rush of the v1.2 deadline, we pushed some features without enough tests, this affected our test coverage and therefore reduced the potential reliability of our features. In v1.2b I wrote tests for the addalt command and the emergency tag system, fixing the bugs found by the new tests as well.
  • Bug Fixing: Fixed PE-D bugs for the updatephoto command (Pull requests #207, #213)
    • Details: During the PE-D, there were various bugs identified due to the current implementation of our uploadphoto command. I worked on resolving these bugs, and changed some of the existing implementation to align with the design principles for CampusConnect.

Contributions to the User Guide

  • Managed User Guide section for the notification system (Pull requests #87, #135)
  • Worked on styling and table of contents (Pull request #137)
  • Fixed PE-D User Guide errors (Pull requests #201, #204)

Contributions to the Developer Guide

  • Managed Developer Guide section for the notification system implementation (Pull request #85)
  • Fix errors (Pull request #126)
  • Added usecases (Pull request #157)

Contributions to Team-Based Tasks

  • Designed initial mock-up of CampusConnect (Pull request #18)
  • Managed v1.2b release

Review / Mentoring Contributions

Contributions Beyond the Project Team

  • Found and reported 5 high quality bug reports to team CS2103T-F10-1